Mind Flex Revolution

#02 The Power of Building Mindful Connection in the Workplace

Workplace Wellness Season 1 Episode 2

This episode emphasizes the Power of  Mindful Connections for creating a positive work culture.  When we have respectful communication and feel understood,  collaboration thrives, conflicts diminish, and employees feel valued, supported, and able to bring their whole selves to work.

We delve into the Three Brains Model, a neuroscience-based framework that suggests we have three distinct "brains"

- the head brain (rational thinking), 
- the heart brain (emotions) 
- the gut brain (instincts)

We look at how these three brains interact and influence our perceptions, decisions, and behaviours is key to building meaningful connections. 

This model discusses the importance of seeking to understand others' perspectives and communication styles, which may stem from different dominant brain centres. By paying attention to language cues may indicate which "brain" someone is operating from, may guide you to  communicate more effectively and bridge gaps. 

What practical strategies can be drawn from the Three Brains Model so you can begin to cultivate them in your workplace to transform team dynamics, enhance collaboration, and foster a more harmonious work environment.

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